Traceable Sourcing: Happy Fox Health's High Quality Production Standards

The pillars of high quality, safe and consistent food production are through systems and safeguards. Happy Fox Health goes above and beyond regulatory requirements because we believe in providing the best for our customers. Our sea moss is regularly tested for heavy metals, microbiological contaminants as well as third party inspection during production.

Our company and suppliers are FDA registered and have HACCAP systems in place. Additionally, our sea moss has been independently vetted by the Non-GMO verification project to confirm the purity and production methods are trusted and true.

                   FDA registeredHACCAP certified


Here is some information about HACCAP systems and why they are important: 

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a comprehensive and systematic approach to ensuring food safety throughout the production process. It involves a series of key components that collectively contribute to the prevention, reduction, or elimination of potential hazards that could compromise the safety of food consumed by the public.

At its core, HACCP begins with a thorough Hazard Analysis, which entails identifying and evaluating potential biological, chemical, and physical hazards that may arise during the various stages of food production. This analysis lays the foundation for the subsequent steps in the HACCP system.

Critical Control Points (CCPs) are pivotal stages in the production process where specific measures can be implemented to either prevent, eliminate, or significantly reduce the identified hazards. These critical points are carefully selected based on their significance in ensuring food safety.

Establishing Critical Limits follows, involving the definition of measurable criteria for each CCP. These limits act as benchmarks to ensure that the production process remains within safe parameters. Regular Monitoring Procedures are then implemented to assess and document the control measures at CCPs, confirming that the critical limits are consistently met.

In the event of any deviations from the established critical limits, Corrective Actions are devised to address and rectify the situation, thus restoring control and maintaining the integrity of the food safety measures. Verification processes are periodically conducted to review and validate the effectiveness of the HACCP plan in managing potential hazards.

Integral to the HACCP system is a commitment to comprehensive Record-Keeping, encompassing detailed documentation of the hazard analysis, critical control points, monitoring results, and corrective actions taken. This documentation serves as a crucial reference for ongoing assessments and future improvements.

The benefits of HACCP to food safety are manifold. Its proactive nature, focusing on prevention rather than reaction, reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses and contamination. Additionally, compliance with HACCP standards aligns with regulatory requirements in many jurisdictions, ensuring adherence to legal food safety mandates. Beyond regulatory compliance, HACCP contributes to improved overall product quality, instilling consumer confidence in the safety and quality of the food products produced by adhering to these rigorous standards.

 Non-GMO project verified

The Non-GMO Verification Project is an initiative aimed at verifying and labeling products as non-genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are organisms whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. The project seeks to provide consumers with clear information about the presence or absence of GMOs in the products they purchase, offering transparency and choice in the marketplace.

The primary objectives of the Non-GMO Verification Project include:

  • Labeling Transparency: The project advocates for clear and standardized labeling of products to indicate whether they contain GMOs or are free from genetically modified ingredients. This transparency allows consumers to make informed choices based on their preferences and concerns regarding GMOs.
  • Consumer Empowerment: By providing information on whether a product is non-GMO verified, consumers are empowered to make choices aligned with their values and beliefs. This includes supporting agricultural practices they may perceive as more natural or traditional.
  • Market Differentiation: Non-GMO verification serves as a market differentiator for producers and manufacturers. Products with the non-GMO verification label may appeal to consumers who actively seek out or prefer products without genetically modified ingredients.
  • Meeting Consumer Demand: As consumer awareness of GMOs and interest in natural, organic, and non-GMO products continues to grow, the Non-GMO Verification Project meets the demand for products that align with these preferences.
  • Supporting Sustainable Agriculture: Some consumers associate non-GMO products with more sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices. The project contributes to the promotion of sustainable agriculture by encouraging the production and consumption of non-genetically modified foods.
  • Building Trust: The verification process involves rigorous testing and adherence to specific standards, helping build trust between consumers and producers. When consumers see the non-GMO verification label, they can have confidence that the product has undergone scrutiny and meets established criteria.

In summary, the Non-GMO Verification Project is beneficial for consumers by providing them with clear information about the genetic makeup of the products they buy. This transparency supports consumer choice, empowers individuals to make informed decisions, and responds to the growing demand for products that align with preferences for non-genetically modified ingredients. Additionally, it fosters trust between consumers and producers while promoting sustainable and environmentally conscious agricultural practices.